So I had a pretty good weekend..
On Friday, my sister dropped off her youngest Mia and then later her oldest daughter Chelsea drove down from Sonoma state and called me, and asked if she could stay the night over too.. I had a full house :) I soo Miss that!! I think about when we used to live in the Alameda house..I miss those times. Having about 10 kids in my house.. eating, laughing, playing… My kitchen was huge – it would tie into the living room .. so after clean up we would blast the “island music, or Hula songs, Tahitian drumming beat songs” and me and the girls would do our Hula dances.. it was all hard wood floors too so it was perfect for our practices.
Gosh… when I really think about it… my heart aches cuz lala and Cece are so grown now.. BUT at least I have these memories… and I’m creating new ones with Mia, Jade, and salina… it’s cute cuz its just like Lala and Cece all over again…. OHHH I can’t wait!!! BECAUSE FOR SURE – after lala has her baby, and once my grandbaby is born.. She’s DEFINITELY gonna be another Lil hula dancer too!!! AWWW that’s gonna be sooo FRUCKING CUTE!!
Everyone keeps on saying OMG Analynn you’re gonna be a grandma!!! And you know what.. yes.. yes I am.. and although I think things could’ve happened later in life for my daughter… its water under the bridge now. And I’m secretly excited having a brand new baby around.. hehe! They were teasing Mike too.. saying here's Grandpa Mike! lol..
I was going thru some of my old jewelry and I found Lala’s gold baby bracelet. I still remember when I first got it… and now.. I’m giving it back to her.. to give to her baby… I think its gonna be an emotional moment.. but a good loving one.. :)
So on Saturday, Me and all the kids including my 2 nieces drove to Sac for my brothers new baby girl Lianna’s Baptism.. We had fun.. saw my FAVORITE cousin and his wife from LA.. got all the updates on how our SoCal fam bam was doing.. The reception was at MIZU Japanee’s all you can eat sushi and Seafood.. Mmm it was soo GOOD.. I LOVE SUSHI, AND SASHIMI… YUMM.. anyways.. afterwards we went to my brother’s house and Chilled with the entire Fam bam..My dad, brothers, and uncles all went to my brother’s clinic to see his new facility.. he ended up doing Adjustments on all of them.
It was funny because all my girl cousins and sister in laws all pulled me into the master bedroom and was like.. “Well!! We Wanna SEE!!” LMFAO!!
I acted dumb, and asked.. “See what?” they all yelled out.. YOUR TITS!!! WE WANNA SEE YOUR BOOBS!
We started cracking up.. so I said.. Ok.. but before I showed them the twins.. I showed them how my twins USED to look like.. and then I showed them the twins now, THEY WERE ALL in awe.. it was quite at first.. then they started probing, touching, squeezing, and saying … “THEY’RE SOO PRETTY! I WANT ONE TOO!!”
I sat down with Kirstie and Niki.. both are BOOB experts.. haha.. Niki said, it took her a whole year then her boobs finally set in.. I didn’t really understand this “Set in” part so Kirtie elaborated more on it… and basically my boobs are gonna go down a little and then push out.. she told me guaranteed.. after I drop they’ll be bigger than what they are now.. OH WOW- I went into Victoria Secrets last week and the girl said I’m a double D but she thinks I could fit into a D38.. which I did.. it’s a little bit snug.. but its good.. I think this is the only EXPENSIVE bra I’m gonna buy until they finally “set IN” I ended up buying the “VERY SEXY” bra and panty collection.. VERY SEXY is definitely a perfect name for it, cuz once you put that on.. that’s exactly what you become.. or at least.. I do.. haha..
On Sunday, I took the kids Haloween shopping.. ended up getting Salina a princess Disney Character dress, and Jada found a Monster High Zombie costume..Jrod wants to be a fat panda he says he has something already.. Mike got a Mask of an old time gangster guy, and me.. I’m going to a SEXY VAMPIRE~ I’m looking forward to Halloween.. on the Saturday before Halloween Mike and I will be attending the “SIN FEST” Adult costume party!! Yee!!! Sandie’s husband is Dj’ing again at some club so they asked if I wanted to be a “party starter/go go dancer” again. I told them OF COURSE!!
I just told Mike about it this morning.. and he said.. Yes, we’ll go!!! YEEE!!!
(Although Mike isn’t a “Club” person.. I sooo love him for just going with me and being there with me.. Plus he protects me from all the weirdos… haha.. )
My other co-worker who is going said, I should do the WET T-SHIRT contest. I’d probably win! I was like OH MAN.. I CAN’T DO THAT.. MIKE WOULD FLIP OUT!! .. or Would he??? Shit..FOR $1000- I’d be down to do it.. just like the Mud wrestling thing out by the Russian River… hahaha.. SAY I WON’T!! BUT I DID!! haha..
Yea.. I think on a serious note Mike would FLIP. Sooo NOOO.. not doing that..and I don’t wanna get into any fights.. usually when we go somewhere… Mike ends up getting into it with someone… Like last time.. at the Bar, with JP and Francisco.. I didn’t know the other guys were “scraps” and plus I DON’T really claim all this RED AND BLUE color shit- so I had no idea- plus it wasn’t my fault.. Dude just kept coming up to my face trying to hit on me… and that’s when it all went down.. so yeah.. I don’t wanna get into some stupid shit like that.. I jus wanna have FUN!! But damn.. $1000 for a wet tshirt soo tempting.. I could do a lot of FUN SHIT .. with a G- haha.. j/k… I’m gonna ask him tonight.. haha.. Maybe I should secretly video tape his reaction too.. LMFAO..ok that’s mean.. I could hear him saying already.. “ARE YOU EFFIN CRAZY?!! HELL NO YOU CAN’T DO NO WET TSHIRT CONTEST!!” haha..jk
So all the kids went to church with my mom and dad yesterday, and then after that I picked the kids up from my mom.. she said that one of the Church members mentioned about Michelle and John Divorcing…
My mom said it was like a slap in the face to Michelle’s family. I don’t wanna get into the Drama of that shit either.. but like my mom said.. its funny how 2 years ago.. EVERYONE on that side of the family was saying ho I was a LIAR, Chismosa- and I was just JELOUSE of Michelle.. that’s why I was talking shit about her.. blah blah blah.. NO I WASN’T TALKING SHIT.. I started questioning things, and I had several different occasions were my FRIENDS would call me and say that she was with another man that WAS NOT HER HUSBAND so they would ask if John was still around..
So I ended up asking her myself.. I asked who is he? And I guess that was talking shit- by just asking… and really you don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to know when shit is happening… OBVIOUSLY I was telling the truth..Like my mom said.. now THEY ALL CAN EAT THEIR OWN WORDS…
I have a knack for things- It’s a gift and a curse.. this thing that I GOT IN ME… this “psychic” thing.. haha.. Well I felt it early on with her too.. but anyways.. NOT MY CONCERN- I just hope for the BEST for John, and their kids… and her too.. I just hope she gets REAL with herself-
One thing I think everyone should keep in mind, and you don’t have to have a sixth sense to know this- but…
Ok, well got more work to do.. Gotta make that Skrill and shake that money maker!!
Love you, miss you, I’ll write more later… MWAH~