Ok I gotta share this.. HAHAHA!!!
UNFRUCKING BELIEVEABLE!!! This incident has happened to me before, but the prior “incidents”- I was able to save and be discreet about.. today… was TOTALLY DIFFERENT!
I’m literally DYING , CRYING, LAUGHING, inside…..
Ok- Today- I’m on my last break taking a quick cigarette break on my cell phone I feel my panties starting to get loose.. like falling so I tell my friend on the phone to hold on.. all the while I notice a double stacker tourist bus about to pass me.. and not 1 bus but 2 of them…
It was all too late.. I felt them just fall right off… I tried to grab and hold but I made myself look more like an idiot because it was hanging between my skirt and wear my boots start so it looked like I was on the sidewalk, standing, taking a piss or something.. BWAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA!! I’m going a little nuts.. this all happened in front of the 2 double stacker bus.. and the guy parked in his car that was right across from me, had 2 women and one well known NBC news broadcaster all within in 10 ft of walking distance… ALL SAW MY DILLEMA… I am so fucking retarded!!! Hahahahahaaahahaa!! OMG.. THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE MOST HILARIOUS MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!
I seriously didn’t know what to do at that point.. so.. I kinda went to my knees grabbed as much OF my panties as I could because it was hard with my skirt not lifting and then if I did that they would’ve had gotten a beaver and ASSS show. OH FUCK ME! THIS WAS A SERIOUS FUCKED UP FUNNY SHIT !! LMFAO ROTFLMFAO!!! FINALLY after the buses left and the people walked I lifted it up and ran towards my building holding a pinch of it on my side to make sure they wouldn’t roll down again… I’m back here at my desk.. and now they’re in the garbage.. RATHER go commando than that all happen again… LMFAO!!! OH DAYMN GINA!!! LOL!!!
Oh crap!!! Hahaha… Well it was either laugh or cry.. I LAUGHED..