Date: May 2, 2011 Weight: 143!! Mood: Bitchy & slighty annoyed
On Saturday Morning I had an issue with Lala.. she did her drama queen thing again and decided to run her mouth.. I was soo hurt and pissed with all the shit that was just yelling out of her mouth.. I was sooo close to just slapping in her in her face.. but thank GOD.. Mike ran up picked me up and took me to the other room... all I remember was him in my face holding me down telling me to calm down.. I threw his arms off of me and walked away... I had to cool down.. Mike ran after me told the kids to get into the car and we took off...
We ended up going to bluerock springs, letting the kids play in the park.. ended up having a mini pic-nik and then did a little hiking. It took my mind off of all the drama that was going on with my lala and my mom.
Afterwards, we took the kids home, rested a bit and decided to go to the drive inns.. We watched "Rio" it was cute.. We were going to watch fast 5 but the kids ended up falling asleep in the back so we headed home..
On the way Mike started texting someone.. and then told me when we get home we'll put the kids in bed and grab some towels and my bathing suit...
I love the ideas and surprises he does. He soothes my soul in more ways then one.. :) We ended up going to Jeff's in Benicia and using the hot tub..
MMMMM that was soooo good.. It felt soo good just sitting there having my muscles powered massaged by the jets...We had wine and had fun..:) haha another one to add to our list...
Hot tub in Benicia :)
We ended comming home close to 3am... I slept soooo good.
On Sunday morning I weighed myself after I took a shower.. the scale stated 145lbs.. I thought to myself oh ok i didn't lose or gain so thats a good thing.. but when I passed the mirror I forgot I still had my hair wet wrapped in a towel.. so I threw the towel off and re-weighed myself.. 143lbs!!
So I decided to celebrate and buy some clothes for myself... last time I bought some stuff was right before we went camping.. I was wearing a 12 or 10 Yesterday.. I bought a pair of size 7 jeans and its a little snug but I FIT IT.. and I KNOW in a week or so.. it will be perfect.
I'm slightly tripping because i'm now in the single digit size.. I CANNOT for the life of me EVER remember fitting into a size 7.. I was probably like 5 years old or something.. hahahaha...
Well Kim is on her way.. i'm just trying to help keep her on the right path before her due date. I'm sooo excited for her! We walk everyday and she cracks me up with the stories she tells me about her and her kids.. and me vice versa.. she's super cool.
Sandie texted me at lunch today and asked if I was going to boxing class. I told her yes. and she wanted to know if I would be her partner.. I told her of COURSE!! I'm just happy that she's comming back.
Everyone needs their "cool down" time.. some might need it longer than others... but after all is said and done, after all the bitching, accusing, crying, and complaining.. at the end its still MY DECSION if I wanna make this a good day or a bad day... I'm aiming to always make it a good day.. no matter what might occur. LIfe is too short for dumb little petty bullshit..
I even told Kim today.. all this morning I've been making silent prayers in my head asking GOD to bless my enemies, keep me calm..etc... so far so good.. :) thank you GOD. Plus.. I'm going to boxing class tonight.. so I'll have my chance to relieve my aggressions that I might have building up in me.. :)
On the positive- My kids had a cool weekend, we all had fun.. I lost more weight.. and change.. change is always GOOD.