Wednesday, November 1, 2017

My 12

Todays Date: 11/11/2017

I don't know where to even start... I just did a quick review on my pasts blogs from years ago.. Its Amazing and I'm soo happy inside to be where I am in life right now... See, I lost EVERYTHING... and went thru SOOO much... but in the midst of my trials and tribulations of life I found something deeper and literally more valuable than money diamonds, rubies, or all the riches of the world can ever give me. Which is True peace, being well with my soul and giving true respect, gratitude, and my all.. to GOD. = The creator of this entire universe - Holy Trinity = 1 Love ya dig?

By actively DOING THIS daily and understanding the sheer simplicity of how it sounds.. it is.. really just this...
BEING REAL with myself. Going to GOD 1st (when I don't understand, if i'm afraid or just to even talk..etc), praying,  looking at my demons in their face and taking that power of negative energy into a positive. paying it forward (blessing others even my enemys) I commit myself everyday to become better than I was yesterday...

so.. here are my 12

1.       I admitted that I was powerless over my addictions such as Meth, Sex, Gambling…etc , and that my life had become unmanageable, i.e. Blowing all my dough in gambling, not paying bills on time, DRUGS, and allowing no boundaries and lowering my standards, excepting lower than low when deep inside I knew all along I AM SOO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS.

2.       I came to believe and will forever know that a Power greater than myself could restore me to                sanity. My Higher power is GOD. The Creator of Everything … This ENTIRE UNIVERSE.  ONE LOVE.

3.       3. I made a decision to turn MY will and MY life over to the care of God as I understand Him. As stated above in (2.) The Creator of this UNIVERSE – EVERYTHING.  The Holy Trinity as one = ONE LOVE

4.       I made a searching and fearless moral inventory of MYSELF-ANALYNN ALBANA LACHICA.  I reviewed what I had became and what I did not like, what I did not need and what I needed to Change. My lies, my drug use, my neglect to God and my family, and mainly to my own self.  The true values that once meant a great deal to me had loss value due to my choices.. my use of drugs and the demons I dealt with.

5.       I admitted to God, to myself, and to another human being the exact nature of my wrongs. I did- Actually, maybe not quite always in that order but yes.. I really did do this. Publicly damn near I believe.

6.            I asked whole heartedly and entirely with my whole being asked  God to remove all these   defects of character. In Jesus named I prayed- AMEN
7.          I humbly asked Him to remove any of my shortcomings. – let go of the bullshit issues, bitterness, judging, CHISMosa.
8.            I made a list of all persons I had harmed (or burned) and became willing to make amends to them all.
This is a Progress in motion –
1.       M&K – *DONE*
2.       B&A – *PIM*
3.       PIM
4.       PIM
9.            I made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure     them or others.  Yes whole heartedly, sincerely  and with respect.
10.          I continue to take personal inventory when I am in the wrong, and promptly admitted it. And will actively for the rest of my life, for me at least, this is good personal moral value.

11.          I sought through prayer,  reading the “Bible”,  and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God as I understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for me  and the power to carry it out and to also bless all around me for protection for safety and love.

12.          Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, I actively carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all my affairs. (Also Progress and process in motion)

Analynn Albana LaChica