Vent time-
I think people have their ETHICS all screwed up- I’m not
perfect.. but I’m not fucking lame either-
Maybe I’m being nerdy or a little bitch stickler right now
but, I think the following all ties in together and if you don’t have it in
this protocol.. then
Take a step back and revise it- so your shit is RIGHT-
Ethics, Moral, Prioritize, Integrity, common sense, and
Regardless of the subject matter- there is Ethics in
everything, whether it be a project your boss has given you to do, whether its
acting and being what a responsible parent should do.. whatever the fuck the
issue is.. there are always Ethics..
Next – with in the Ethics of the subject there are Morals,
and prioritizing.. how important is this right now? how heavy is the emotional
stance or work stance of this is?
Integrity- to follow thru and to do the right thing, which
comes along with common sense-
And RESPECT- respect of the entire subject matter, respect
of who or what is involved, and respect for yourself –
I only did some college courses, I would say I am pretty
But- I am FUCKING AMAZED that people that actually have
College degrees, have no ETHICS or Common Sense…
And thus, comes to my conclusion…. It doesn’t matter how
long or how much you know TEXT BOOK- but if you have no Ethics, No morals, No
common Sense, no integrity…
What good are you?.... Uggh…. SMH… I got a little noided with some BULLCACA ISSUE
I had to deal with earlier.. and I just felt the need to break it down– Goldenrule style -