Monday, July 8, 2013

Lost in Emotions-

I Feel burnt out.. I did way too much these past 2 weeks.. I can feel it in my body… Physically, emotionally…

Physically I feel tiered and out of it.. emotionally.. I’m going thru what a normal female goes thru but I think my feelings on things are

Super sensitive… I have to keep on telling myself inside – ENOUGH ANALYNN – SLOW DOWN-

There hasn’t been a day since I came back from LA where I just burst into tears thinking about Herbie…

Today my Uncle Jimmy posted a pic of him at Herbie’s grave  stating “I miss you Son”…

I couldn’t even control myself- tears just ran down and wouldn’t stop… As a parent .. the one thing you should NEVER have to do…

Is bury your child… it should be the other way around…Fuck it hurt soo bad..  Yes… my emotions are riding super high…..


Then I get to this point inside me where I feel like I’m not doing enough… 


Soo many things running thru my head.. I had a long ass talk with my parents when we drove to LA…

And it made me think about a lot of things… my kids, my life, my money-


My anxiety attacks have came back but STRONGER-

I’m mentally beating myself up inside.. because all of this is NOT me..

And I do not Like how I feel about myself right now…  

I know part of this is my anxiety and grieving-  It is hard to cope, handle, to take in all these things…. I know I just gotta do it

Day by day.. and stay strong-