Happy, Sad, Exotic, Erotic, Funny, Sarcastic, Passionate Beautiful Moments of MY LIFE...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
sticks and stones... but words will never hurt me?... sometimes... sometimes...
My head hurts, I’m craving chocolates like a motherfucker, I’m horney as HAIL, I’m feelin a little water weight gain, and my titties feel even huger than ever.. I fell asleep early yesterday.. I hate feelin like I’m in this fucked up EMU mode- I’m SORTA over what J texted me..but it really bothered me.. I feel like it was a straight LOW BLOW or BITCH move.. I think he’s mad cuz I ALWAYS shut him down.. UGGH..PIG-
BUT I have to admit.. that soo fucked with my heart and head… I’ve for the most part treated him like a little brother.. ya sure sometimes he flirted and I would INNOCENTLY flirt back.. but I’ve made it clear to him SEVERAL TIMES- nope its not like that… You know what?... I’m not gonna lie.. that shit hurt me deep.. to the point where I believed him… and it got me all fucked up.. made me think why things are the way they are… made me cry like a little bitch….and for a moment.. I seriously thought about.. just transferring getting the fuck out of here.. move further away.. start ALL BRAND new.. so I won’t have to deal with any BULLSHIT……BUT IT DOESN’T matter.. there’s always gonna be that ONE punk ass that just twirks and fucks with you in the wrong way.. and I just have to adjust and handle them accordingly…
I’m better than all that -what J said.. he fucks himself by the way he manwhore bags it.. and wonders why he’s been thru like how many relationships in sucha a short amount of time.. duh… go figure it out dick wad.. YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE- This is what I wanna say to him… but he’s a big boy.. he will figure it out.. someday.
I don’t ever wish anyone to say the things he said.. KARMA is a motherfucker.. and the way he broke it down to me.. making me feel like “shit”…. Its all good.. because.. it makes me even wanna become a better person… something .. that he will NEVER HAVE and that’s why he’s hating… cuz HE’LL NEVER HAVE THIS.. punk bitch mother fucker asshole fuck-
Ok I think I got it out of my system… I’m slowly slippin out of this funk mode.. on a positive note.. today is my Wednesday and I just ate a special brownie- YESSSSSS….