Happy, Sad, Exotic, Erotic, Funny, Sarcastic, Passionate Beautiful Moments of MY LIFE...
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I don't like dealing with Crystal meth heads, or wife beaters.. they both SUCK.
Happy New Year! As usual I’ve been swamped with family, work, life…
I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to write but its been itching in me to just vent or what not… and since now I have a little down time.. Here I am…
My oldest daughter Lala is about to have a baby LITERALLY any day now. She’s been super excited, stressed.. she keeps asking me questions on when I was pregnant with her and what I went thru and what not.. I told her.. right now.. ENJOY the last hours of freedom you have.. not meaning like party it up or anything like that.. but SLEEP, REST, RELAX… because when that baby girl comes out.. you’ll barely have time to do ANY of that.
I think she’s ready.. just OVERLY excited.
I’ve been doing Hula and I’ve also been CONSISTENTLY going to the gym which REALLY makes me feel soo much better. I started going to the Fitmax classes… which is pretty much MMA, but boot camp circuit training style..
I love the rush it gives me.. I love how my adrenaline gets going.. but this past Monday workout WAS kinda different.. he had us use weights.. not just dumbbells, but the long bar kind.. and we had to do 15 sets fast, front back with squats and Jump.. I can’t explain.. it was like I was a frog holding this long bar jumping and then squatting and just repeating over and over… then next he had me go on the TRX straps.. I WAS FUCKING dying!! I had to get into this Matrix like position and OHHH HOLY FRUCK… I haven’t been this SUPER SORE.. since I first started working out in the getgo… One thing or 2 things I’m noticing more… my abs are tightening up.. my butt looks lifted and… my arms look toned! Actually though, when he was having us do that weight lifting and I was watching myself... I could see my veins pop out of my biceps and triceps… I was all thinking inside to myself.. “whoa.. I’m getting buff there… I got VEINS in my arms!!?” I was tripping because I have NEVER in my life seen VEINS pop out of my arms like that before… it’s kinda like a motivator, but in a way also.. I don’t like it… because I don’t wanna be BUFF.. just TONED. So, next time.. I’m gonna ease up on the weights a little.. plus… I AM FUCKING SORE AS FUCK right now…
Ok I’m going into vent mode now… my BROWN NOSING co worker has took it upon herself to think or act like she’s the boss since our REAL boss is on vacation now… When I walked into work this morning she started her nit PICKIN on me.. which was NO BUENO… BUT, I didn’t give her attitude I let her speak, nag, bitch and whine… and at first I was like ok ok whatever.. but when she tried to tell me that I had to start doing another report… THAT’S WHEN SHE CROSSED THE LINE.. I got loud with her and TOLD her- I will NOT start doing that report because 1. I DON’T REPORT TO HER. 2. I’ve NEVER HAD to use this report before, and I’m not gonna start doing it now… this dumb bitch… really??!!
I think I’m super nice, but once you think you can punk me, and think you can start dumping bullshit on me… I WILL NOT BOW DOWN.. I don’t like that shit.. there’s a way to ask, there’s a way to communicate. This bitch was TELLING me what to do… and I didn’t like that AT ALL.. especially since we are both EQUALS we hold the same position in this company… Uggh.. But I’M GLAD I spoke up to her… she’s been needing a verbal smack down… she’s like a fucking wood pecker that just keeps on pecking and pecking and pecking….
Another thing I wanna vent about….my SOON to be EX HUSBAND..
I think he’s a FUCKING RETARD. HE ALWAYS tries to flip shit around and then make me look like the bad person…
He doesn’t follow the child visitation rules… Here’s an example.. HE TALKS SHIT ABOUT ME, and MIKE, (as if he knows him) AND MAKES DEMEANORING, deurogatory remarks about me to MY CHILDREN- WHICH HE ISN’T SUPPOSE TO DO.. .
He makes my kids feel uncomfortable by telling them “don’t tell Mommy”.. MOTHER FUCKER .. I HAVE ALL RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE THE FUCK MY KIDS ARE AT ALL TIMES.. he doesn’t want the kids to tell me where they went for the weekend or what not.. DUDE I DON’T CARE ABOUT the inside details of what they do.. BUT I WANT TO KNOW where my kids are AT ALL TIMES.. I’M TALKING ABOUT LOCATION HERE…
Another thing.. HE HAS CROSSED THE LINE sooo MANY TIMES in taking the children home and picking them up…
It was agreed by both that the kids be picked up and dropped off at SPECIFIC TIME frames… there is a 20 minute window but its only suppose to be used for EMERGENCY PURPOSES ONLY.. this dumb fuck ALWAYS BRINGS THE KIDS HOME LATE.. AND NOW.. I’VE JUST ABOUT HAD IT WITH HIM TOO..
He’s definitely gonna hear it from me soon…
Then I have Mikes wacky EX BABY mama drama… I wish this chick would just STOP… leave me the FUCK ALONE..
BITCH, YOU DONE CROSSED MY LINE.. I am NOT her friend in ANY WAY.. SO I DON’T UNDERSTAND .. why she thinks she can send me emails, asking me to give messages to her kid.. asking me to play a fucking LONG ASS YOU TUBE video of old pics of her explaining why she cant be there with her??? REALLY?? A YOUTUBE video? For a 5 year old?... ummm- I SAY NO, Mike says FUUUCK NO, AND So does everyone else… we all agreed… that video would not make a 5 year old happy… if anything… it would bring her down, distraught, even more confused, hurt… and BOP does NOT DESERVE that…
Since she reads my blog.. I need her to know.. EVERYTHING SHE TRIES TO SEND TO ME OR MIKE.. IS DELETED. Sorry, No, I won’t send her pics of Salina either.
BITCH YOU LIED, TRIED TO FUCK US OVER, TRIED TO BREAK US UP OR START SHIT BETWEEN US, TRIED TO CALL ME OUT... WE HAVE NO DESIRE TO HELP YOU IN ANYWAY.. CRY YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT, WRITE DOWN ALL THE PATHETIC LONELY MOMENTS YOU HAVE AND MAKE ALL THE YOUTUBE videos you want…you are where you are because of YOURSELF. AND I WANNA MAKE IT CLEAR- I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND.. I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU.. BUT its kinda like that pity feeling I feel for the bum on the street I see… I feel bad for you.. but I ain’t shucking out no money for ya… its your choice to be on the streets-I think its super pathetic that she uses ALL HER time to make phony email accounts, and does all this photo shop, you tube videos… but I guess when your brain is fried… or you’re tweakin off a good one… dang.. but to live without your kid just so you could get your smoke on.. IS FUCKING DISGUSTING, STUPID, PATHETIC… etc.. ya all that..
I have NO DESIRE to be her fucking friend, or to help her out.. FUCKING HELP YOURSELF.. THEN TELL YOUR KID IN PERSON YOURSELF.. WHY YOU’RE NOT AROUND.. WHY METH IS MORE IMPORTANT, WHY NOT TURNING HERSELF IN AND RUNNING FROM THE COPS IS MORE BETTER.. I’m not explaining that shit to Mike’s daughter… Salina is living a happy fun life… If we were to show her the bullshit youtube video this chick made you think its gonna make the 5 year old feel better? You HONESTLY THINK a 5 year old will understand?? Fuck that.
Then she has the oddacity to think I would accept her friendship on GOOGLE LATITUDE?.. where she can pin point where exactly our location is?? She ‘s a fucking NUT JOB. I THINK HER AND MY EX should get together… THEY WOULD BLOW EACH OTHER’S MINDS AWAY.. they kinda have that same “thinking pattern”… its called FUCKING STUPID.
I know I wrote this in my blog somewhere before.. but I’M SOO SICK OF LAME ASS RETARDED PEOPLE..
Ok enough venting… I got it all out of my system.. haha…
Anyways.. due to TEXT messages that I was receiving.. Mike decided to surprise with new IPHONE 4 S for Christmas along with a new PHONE #. I was super SURPRISED on that one.. PLUS the MEGAPIXELs ON THE CAMERA is WAY BETTER! The Siri part is “alright” kinda fun if you’re super bored… I think the last thing I asked Siri was if she masterbated.. haha.. her response “I Haven’t tried” haha! I told her, she SHOULD.
Ok enough down time, I’ll write more later…
Love ya, Miss ya, Mwah!