Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lovely Hula Hands~

Date: 4/13/11 Weight: 153 Mood: Happy & sleepy

I missed doing Hula/tahitian dancing... We went back to class last week and I kinda felt weird at first but everything came back to me naturally.
I miss it. I'm really not in it to compete or do a show.. In all honesty I just love doing the dance, the beauty of telling a story with your body movement and hands.. Call me girly.. I don't care but to me it feels flowy, graceful..
Some songs are fast and harsh.. and I love doing those too.. its just sometimes my hips can't stay with the beat of the drums when we have to keep doing our ami hella fast... I start getting a little side ache... lol.

I wish the tapuna would get back together.. Maybe Aaron can put a dance together for us to do again.. Annie is no longer in our Halua...I messaged her briefly on facebook because I noticed her mentioning that she had Hula practice on Monday nights.. I asked her when did the start doing practice on Mondays, but she replied that she left and went to a diffrent group in Benicia.. Regardless.. we all dance for mainly the same reasons... the spirit of Aloha... one love~ hummm.. I noticed alot of people were gone.. but i'm wondering if its because of springbreak and everyone and the kids are just on vacation...
I'm kinda feeling bad because I do want Salina to dance with us, but sometimes her attention span doesn't hang long.. and by the time we get into actually practicing a dance routine, she's exhausted. Mike wanted to know if I wanted to take her.. Honestly I do.. I would love for her to join and be there and dance.. but if its only me and her.. and when she gets tired I have to stop and take care of her.. it just kinda defeats the purpose (to me in my opinion) of even going to hula.

I don't know, we'll see.. maybe I will try and take her again.. Maybe i'll ask Mike to come so he can see and watch her if she gets tired... we'll see..

I did kickboxing class again last night.. Sandie called me upset because I guess she wasn't signed up for the other classes so the pulled her to the side and told her she could finish this month up but she has to sign up now and upgrade.. she was Pissed.. I think she's gonna start going to combat fighting instead.. I told her if she does.. let me know and get me a pass because i've been wanting to try that out...

Anyways.. i'm blogging because I wanna be consistant with all the things i'm doing.. plus its nice to reflect back on things.. see the changes, how I'm going thru my ups and downs... etc...

Ok time to go!