Friday, January 7, 2011


So I was right... to an extent... come to find out the trick was his EX fiance..
She apparently was having problems with her husband and also was dealing with the passing of her young niece.... its a classic scenario.. Needy lady seeks outage thru ex- how convienient. I told him too.. I trust HIM BUT I DON'T trust her... and from everything that has unfolded.. I was on the tee... I know that he probably had mixed feelings for her too.. especially with her egging him on about how she misses and loves him.... I had nightmares about it...I felt it... so like any smart lady would do if you REALLY WANT to know the truth... HANDLE IT yourself.
First I emailed her and questioned her relationship with him.
Next, I hacked into his email.. he had TONS of emails.. along with a handful of UNREAD emails FROM HER. He had opened other emails from her and responded with No intentions as if he wanted her in the way she wanted him...but more of a consoling good friend. I think she was living a dream that she really wanted to happen and maybe she thought he would rescue her? Anyways ... its over...
He told me to listen to the words of that song Dueces by Chris Brown.. He says i'm the "new chick" and he's putting his Dueces up cuz he has moved on to something better...
Ok now letting go of all this Bullshit...
other than that I'm super happy with Mike.. I love how we lay in bed at night and he cracks me up with the most craziest things... lol... ahhh Mike... I soo love him.