Friday, November 11, 2011

Rainy days in SF like these....

Rainy days like these remind me of when I used to meet up with HIM… the way I would be soo nervous around him. The way he knew, the way he handled me, the way he made me feel… I’ll never forget…
He has no idea how much he helped me change.. How I became Independent instead of co-dependent-
How for the first time as an adult… I really felt like a WOMAN..sounds stupid but coming from where I came from.. then yea you would understand…
I’ve never felt SEXY, or Womanly with my EX- it was more like I was a teenager, then all of a sudden a young mom and had to grow up and work..that along with, how my EX would literally pounded in my head how ugly, unsexy.. fat.. disgusting.. etc.. I was… But being with HIM- even when I was overweight… didn’t matter…

He made me realize I was WORTH way more, Deserved way more than what I used to except how my life should be-My eyes opened, and I finally realized, there is a way out of this HELL HOLE that I live in…

And partly because of him… I am completely a different woman than what I was just a couple years ago… this is me just being “REAL” on the inside.. I will always have a spot for him in my heart. I remember I used to hurt just yearning for him.. I would jump jus to be with him.. even if it was for 5 minutes-

Sorry just had to blog this… its jus one of them rainy days…
La Luna, Harbor Court, the times.... Mmmm..