Thursday, September 1, 2011

Boob Talk, and advice..

So i've been talking with my girls who have gotten a Boob job and who haven't-

Lemme jus say this- I'm trully blessed with GOOD friends and family.
and I thank God for placing these people in my life :)

So I talked with D and she was shocked but knew it was comming. She's all for it. Dee is my bestest dearest friend.. well all of them are.. but Dee is my "GO TO" girl when ANYTHING goes up or down in my life Dee is literally the first to know.

She's had work done but not her boobs. Dee used to weigh 110lbs at 5"5 and so she's VERY TINY .. but after her twins.. her stomach OVER stretched along with the muscle and she looked permanently 6 months pregnant.. even after giving birth. I remember feeling bad for her too because she's such a tiny petite thing.. and then after the twins.. when we would go shopping or wherever.. people would always ask her when she was Due?
So she ended up getting a tummy tuck-

I talked to her about how I've been saving for this and yadda yadda, and she told me.. if this is what you trully want.. DO IT.
She understands my pains on how I feel about my body and how I just feel grossed by the shape of my boobies.. they used to be so full bouncy round.. now its everything opposite of that.. so yes THIS IS WHAT I want!

She said at the end of our conversation.. at least with these.. You'll definately have SOMETHING to show for.. lol

Then I talked to Raze- She was super excited for me.. I love hearing Razhel's opinion about things. She's very religious. Well I don't wanna say religious, but.. lemme put this in other words.. I admire and trully respect her walk with GOD.. she reads the bible everyday, her and her husband are active church members of their church.. etc..
So when I told her what I was gonna get done she told me up front "oh Analynn I'm gonna look at this situation and the whole aspect and how everything is effected, positive or negative-" I love HER!! Straigt, to the point, gracefully accurate :)

She's a nurse for a plastic surgeon in Walnut Creek- so I told her all about my Dr. what procedure, yadda, yadda.. She asked my home situation, and the kids.. and I broke that down to her too..

we talked for a long time- At the end she told me she's all for it as well, she's super excited, but made a point and said.. "Analynn you've done it- You've always been beautiful even when you were overweight, but now that you're at your goal- You're beautiful now- So you know you don't really need this done.. But if its gonna make you happy- DO IT.

Definately this will make me happy.. I HATE, LOATHED looking in the mirror and seeing my woman hood just "sag" there... I can't wait to see them perky and round again... lol..

my cousin Niki keeps texting me advice on what I need to have done before I have the surgery, what I need at home, etc...She told me make sure there's gonna be someone there with me at ALL times during the first 3 days, try to make sure all the LAUNDRY is done before hand, make sure everything important is within reaching distance, remember not to lift or carry anything over my head because my chest will be tooo sore to lift anything... etc...

LOL. I feel like a freak because the last past week all I've been doing is looking up boobies before and after pics reading on the procedures, and what to expect and everything..

kinda sucks, because I wanna go shopping and buy all these diffrent types of bras, shirts, tops... etc.. but THAT WOULD BE A STUPID move..
so I'm gonna hold back.. which is gonna be super hard especially with all the labor day sales going on.. but I WILL REFRAIN.. from ANY SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES- except for panties or pants or skirts, shoes.. lol UNTILL AFTER MY SURGERY is done and I've had enough time to heal.. so thats gonna be by October.

ok enough about boobies.. long weekend comming up!!

Love ya-